Friday, October 30, 2009

Discovering how to blog

Finally, I'm beginning to figure out this blog business. It took a retreat for women to connect with the friend who explained this to me. Of course, it helped to look at her blogspot too. Many thanks, Susan.
This photo is of a rock formation on Ghost Ranch; the one that greeted me every morning as I woke up. We were studying the desert mothers from the first centuries. While I'm not ready to write about the mothers yet, this was a very good experience for spiritual growth as many of their teachings resounded deep inside.
It also gave me courage to continue a writing project that I call Unheard Voices, about women in the Bible who's names may not be known and only fragments of their life experiences. Written by men, these stories focus on how the women affect male lives and leadership rather than what it was like to be the woman involved. Their voices beg to be heard and so I write their stories as they come to me.
What was it like to be that woman?
How did she manage to live through the dire situation that confronted her?
None of the stories are like what you may have heard previously from a pulpit or read in church literature. My hope is that eventually there will be a book for women from all walks of life to read and ponder. In the meantime, I'm trying to get some published and have sent them to short story contests.
If you are looking for a good book to read, I suggest The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery ISBN 978-1-933372-60-0 This is a wonderful work of fiction that explores social categories and communications from a concierge for an apartment/condo with the residents. It's also a coming of age story for a twelve year old girl. Beautifully written with surprises.
Although it's Halloween, we've had temperatures in the teens and a dusting of snow. For some, this is a 'thin' time of the year when communications with the spirit world is easier. Enjoy this season and pay careful attention to all that is around you.

1 comment:

Susan Carpenter Sims said...

Your welcome! It's good to see you on here.