Having just returned from a trip to Pennsylvania where fall colors are still very rich, I'm sad to see that the season is nearly past in northern New Mexico, so I share this copper-colored maple tree with you.
Unless I'm without access to a computer, I hope to post at least a monthly note about my writing projects, their development and my progress toward getting them published. At the moment I'm polishing the last book of three that relate to Mozambique, Unpredictable Crossing. When I know its release date, I'll post it.
As I finalize this book, I think about shifting the location of some adventures to occur on cruise ships. You'll note on my website that Unpredictable Crossing takes place on board a ship in transit from Miami to Lisbon. At the moment, I am doing research for a second book that takes place aboard a ship on the inland passage to Alaska. I don't know if Amanda and Jeffrey will take this cruise.
There's another project that I've been wrestling with for the last couple years which involves northern New Mexico. It also has a global view as the story moves from the south China Sea region to the U.S. east coast and then New Mexico.
More news coming soon.